Two nights ago, Stanley was a bit cranky for Uncle Flounder, Steve and me,
but nothing too out of the ordinary. It was as if had not slept well
during the day. But then right before bed, he had a crazy high unexplained fever. I should say that our little guy has only had a fever ~3 times in his life.
Fever explained...Stanley's first molar appeared as this 9th tooth. He has been fine during the day, but then has had a fever for the last three evenings including tonight. Tomorrow is his 18 month doctor's apt, so it is in perfect time to ask about the evening fever pattern.
More updates from the doctor tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Chili powder
I'm not really sure what to say in this post. Stanley grabbed the chili powder out of the spice drawer. He finally managed to open it and very carefully took a little bit. I tasted it and said "Yuck". He tasted it smiled, then asked for more. Later, he shook the bottle and capture the little bits on the top and lick them up. None was on the floor, but some definitely was on his mouth.
Maybe we will be making chili this week.
Maybe we will be making chili this week.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
18 months
Stanley turned 18 months old on Sunday. I'm not even sure where I can start when writing this birthday post. He is such a wonderful fun kid lately. And, his physical and mental developement is growing in leaps and bounds.
I'll start with the his language. Stanley still uses sign language to say, more, water, and food. But even with a limited amount of signs, he clearly communicates what he wants. He runs to the door if he wants to go on a walk, he brings you what food he wants and then shows the sign for food. And on the other side, he clearly let's us know if he does not want something.
And, Stanley has graced us with some spoken words too. Stanley often graces us with a word about 3-5 times and then does not say it very much. However, there are a few words he says quickly frequently.
Since he was about 16 months, he has often said 'hoppy' for happy. I'm not sure he knows exactly what it means, but he loves to get the smile and reaction from anyone to whom he says it. How can you not smile when a little kid says "happy" with a huge smile on his face. Halima has enjoyed having him say "happy baby". He needs to be prompted for each word at a time, but it does come out very clearly when he says it. And, Stanley clearly knows what baby means--every kid about his age or less is a baby including Stanley. He sometimes points to himself and says baby.
Just on Saturday, Steve walked into the bedroom where Stanley and I were nursing and Stanley very casually said "hi". It was so casual, we were both a bit shocked.
I've listed Stanley's regular words below (i.e. he says them regularly.
- Waaaaaaaa --- wow
- tsss --- Thank you (This is Peter's way of saying thank you and Stanley has picked it up)
- Hoppy ---Happy
- Baaaby --- baby
- di ---that (in russian). Turns out to be a very unfortunate sounding way of saying 'that'
- Wooo woo ---woof and also means dog and cat (he does not yet differentiate dogs and cats)
- Coo ---noise birds make
- dada --daddy
- mama --we just got this word, but I'm putting it on the regular list with a lot of hopeful wishes
Other words (words he has said a few times, but not regularly)
- Bunny--this is new. The babysitter thought he was saying it.
- Ligh --light
- eleffff -- elephant
- hi
- ####- some bird in russian (the # means I have no idea how to say it)
- #### love in russian
Stanley is also really developing physically. About 3 weeks ago, he decided he wanted to climb...everything. We really need to watch out now what he can climb and what he should not be climbing. He and Peter think the coffee table is a stage for them to sing and dance. And starting around 17 months, Stanley runs and runs and runs and runs. It is quite cute to hear the little pitter patter of feet everywhere around the house.
We were really worried for a while about Stanley's eating. He was hardly eating anything. But then about 1 week ago, he decided he needed to grow and now he eats more during the day than Steve or me. This kid spends his day eating and eating and eating.
He also enjoys sleeping. He goes down for naps and at night quite easily. He often dives for the crib and we can hardly even give him a kiss. He plays so hard, that he enjoys the quiet time. We still put him down for 2 naps during the day, but he is OK if he only gets one nap. And often, for the second nap, he happily goes into his crib and then babbles for about 1-1.5 hours and then wants out. It is quite cute and it is good quiet time for everyone.

Stanley loves:
- Mom/Dad,
- Halima & Geoff
- Grandparents --it is wonderful that he seems to remember the grandparents even though they live far away
- Peter--the two of them spend their days together laughing and laughing and laughing
- Buttons
- iPhones and iPods
- Tickling people
- Smiling
- naps
- running
- pushing his stroller!!!!
- Veggies: carrots, greens (spinach/collard/cabbage/kale/beet greens), cauliflower,
- FRUIT! Bananas, grapes, BLUEBERRIES, apple, blackberries (just not raspberries)
- Other foods: Cheerios, almond butter & butter sandwiches (don't mock it till you've tried it, he has stumbled on a pretty good combo), tofu, girl scout cookies, pasta!! with Parmesan or with tomatoes
- Baths (sometimes and sometimes he dislikes them)
- Did I mention buttons!
- Climbing
- His kitchen
- Eating while in the park
- The Academy of Sciences
- Bike riding
Unfortunately, the only climbing video I have is right before the camera ran out of batteries. Stanley was a bit distracted here, but you can see his style of yelling/celebrating when he gets up high.
I'll start with the his language. Stanley still uses sign language to say, more, water, and food. But even with a limited amount of signs, he clearly communicates what he wants. He runs to the door if he wants to go on a walk, he brings you what food he wants and then shows the sign for food. And on the other side, he clearly let's us know if he does not want something.
And, Stanley has graced us with some spoken words too. Stanley often graces us with a word about 3-5 times and then does not say it very much. However, there are a few words he says quickly frequently.
Since he was about 16 months, he has often said 'hoppy' for happy. I'm not sure he knows exactly what it means, but he loves to get the smile and reaction from anyone to whom he says it. How can you not smile when a little kid says "happy" with a huge smile on his face. Halima has enjoyed having him say "happy baby". He needs to be prompted for each word at a time, but it does come out very clearly when he says it. And, Stanley clearly knows what baby means--every kid about his age or less is a baby including Stanley. He sometimes points to himself and says baby.
Just on Saturday, Steve walked into the bedroom where Stanley and I were nursing and Stanley very casually said "hi". It was so casual, we were both a bit shocked.
I've listed Stanley's regular words below (i.e. he says them regularly.
- Waaaaaaaa --- wow
- tsss --- Thank you (This is Peter's way of saying thank you and Stanley has picked it up)
- Hoppy ---Happy
- Baaaby --- baby
- di ---that (in russian). Turns out to be a very unfortunate sounding way of saying 'that'
- Wooo woo ---woof and also means dog and cat (he does not yet differentiate dogs and cats)
- Coo ---noise birds make
- dada --daddy
- mama --we just got this word, but I'm putting it on the regular list with a lot of hopeful wishes
Other words (words he has said a few times, but not regularly)
- Bunny--this is new. The babysitter thought he was saying it.
- Ligh --light
- eleffff -- elephant
- hi
- ####- some bird in russian (the # means I have no idea how to say it)
- #### love in russian
Stanley is also really developing physically. About 3 weeks ago, he decided he wanted to climb...everything. We really need to watch out now what he can climb and what he should not be climbing. He and Peter think the coffee table is a stage for them to sing and dance. And starting around 17 months, Stanley runs and runs and runs and runs. It is quite cute to hear the little pitter patter of feet everywhere around the house.
We were really worried for a while about Stanley's eating. He was hardly eating anything. But then about 1 week ago, he decided he needed to grow and now he eats more during the day than Steve or me. This kid spends his day eating and eating and eating.
He also enjoys sleeping. He goes down for naps and at night quite easily. He often dives for the crib and we can hardly even give him a kiss. He plays so hard, that he enjoys the quiet time. We still put him down for 2 naps during the day, but he is OK if he only gets one nap. And often, for the second nap, he happily goes into his crib and then babbles for about 1-1.5 hours and then wants out. It is quite cute and it is good quiet time for everyone.

Stanley loves:
- Mom/Dad,
- Halima & Geoff
- Grandparents --it is wonderful that he seems to remember the grandparents even though they live far away
- Peter--the two of them spend their days together laughing and laughing and laughing
- Buttons
- iPhones and iPods
- Tickling people
- Smiling
- naps
- running
- pushing his stroller!!!!
- Veggies: carrots, greens (spinach/collard/cabbage/kale/beet greens), cauliflower,
- FRUIT! Bananas, grapes, BLUEBERRIES, apple, blackberries (just not raspberries)
- Other foods: Cheerios, almond butter & butter sandwiches (don't mock it till you've tried it, he has stumbled on a pretty good combo), tofu, girl scout cookies, pasta!! with Parmesan or with tomatoes
- Baths (sometimes and sometimes he dislikes them)
- Did I mention buttons!
- Climbing
- His kitchen
- Eating while in the park
- The Academy of Sciences
- Bike riding
- Eating ice cream
- Reading books
Stanley dislikes:
- boots
- meat (all forms even hidden in veggies)
- baths (sometimes)
In general this is a pretty short list. He really enjoys lots of things.
Stanley can:
- Easily communicate what he wants and does not want to eat.
- Eat quite more than his parents when he wants to
- Run around quickly
- Walk ~1mile pushing his stroller.
- Convince anyone around to play with him
- Know wherever the iPhones and buttons are hidden
- Make his parents very very happy.
I've posted a bunch of picture below. Enjoy
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Stanley loves spending time with Halima. Here they are in tahoe |
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Flounder often takes Stanley around walking. |
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Enjoying the park |
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Climbing |
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We like someone with him, but he can do it mostly by himself. |
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Searching for our friends cat under their bed... the cat did notr espond though to Stanley's cute WooWoo sounds. |
Unfortunately, the only climbing video I have is right before the camera ran out of batteries. Stanley was a bit distracted here, but you can see his style of yelling/celebrating when he gets up high.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
New Feats
Stanley has some new things he has picked up. Thanks to April's suggestion, we bought a ukulele. Stanley likes it and Steve is becoming quite the ukulele player. Stanley and I enjoy being serenaded in the evenings as Stanley nurses. Here is Stanley trying his hand at it.
Stanley also LOVES to climb. More pictures from the other camera late, but here are some for the meanwhile. He has taken to climbing up his changing table. He is quite good and it and very careful. Steve and I though are worried about the whole thing tipping down on him. We have been starting a brand new round (I think 4th one) of childproofing.
The following video catches Stanley climbing up a climbing wall. He did it a few times and unfortunately he had a tough time when I finally got the camera out. His mantling skills are quite good--he takes after Steve on this one.
Stanley also LOVES to climb. More pictures from the other camera late, but here are some for the meanwhile. He has taken to climbing up his changing table. He is quite good and it and very careful. Steve and I though are worried about the whole thing tipping down on him. We have been starting a brand new round (I think 4th one) of childproofing.
The following video catches Stanley climbing up a climbing wall. He did it a few times and unfortunately he had a tough time when I finally got the camera out. His mantling skills are quite good--he takes after Steve on this one.
Stanley loves to laugh and having other people laugh too. He spends quite a lot of time trying to tickle people, which always gets a variety of fake laughs out of whomever he tickles. If you did not know he was tickling you, don't worry, he tells you by says "deedeedeedeedee"
He also loves to laugh himself. Sometimes we are not so sure why things are so funny, but Stanley sure thinks that they are!! Check out the following video.
He also loves to laugh himself. Sometimes we are not so sure why things are so funny, but Stanley sure thinks that they are!! Check out the following video.
Monday, March 11, 2013
I'm pretty sure he realized something was amiss here because he eventually righted the stroller onto its wheels. Pretty funny how it works almost as well tipped over, though. Symmetry, almost.
Stanley is pretty good at watching us and mimicking what we do these days. Here he is putting cheese on his own pasta, sprinkling it on very carefully just like we do for him. The sad part is that we have to wipe the cheese off his fingers when he is done sprinkling because he cannot stand to have anything stuck to his hands.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Stroller Post 2
Stanley's little 'new-to-him' stroller has gone everywhere with us lately. There are a few stories that I am combining into one post about the stroller. (The stroller is pictured in an earlier post)
Stanley likes to keep something in the stroller. Normally he puts a book in there, maybe a lego, a pacifier know stuff that normally goes in strollers. Well, a few nights ago, Stanley and Steve were out walking. Stanley had a 1"x5" piece of wood in the stroller. He all of the sudden stopped the stroller, walked around, and picked up the piece of wood and started talking into it like a phone. He talked for a while, then handed the wood to Steve. Steve pretended it was a phone for a few seconds and then put it in his pocket. However, Stanley wanted the wood/phone back. Steve gave it back, Stanley put it back in the stroller and they were off again on their walk. I'm guessing Halima has to answer the phone while pushing the boys around in the stroller--Stanley definitely picked the whole scene up from some place.
And, another Stanley stroller story is that just last night, I asked Stanley if he wanted to go on a walk. As always, he put down what he was doing, rushed to the door, tried to open it, then rushed to put on his jacket. After that, he did something different, he started walking back into the house in a very determined manner. He walked down the stairs and then over the living room. He looked around the living room and went down those stairs. Only then did I realize that his stroller was in the corner of the living room. Stanley was not going to miss out on pushing his stroller for the walk.
If you see a cute kid pushing a stroller, stop to say hello. We are all over the neighborhood lately with it.
Stanley likes to keep something in the stroller. Normally he puts a book in there, maybe a lego, a pacifier know stuff that normally goes in strollers. Well, a few nights ago, Stanley and Steve were out walking. Stanley had a 1"x5" piece of wood in the stroller. He all of the sudden stopped the stroller, walked around, and picked up the piece of wood and started talking into it like a phone. He talked for a while, then handed the wood to Steve. Steve pretended it was a phone for a few seconds and then put it in his pocket. However, Stanley wanted the wood/phone back. Steve gave it back, Stanley put it back in the stroller and they were off again on their walk. I'm guessing Halima has to answer the phone while pushing the boys around in the stroller--Stanley definitely picked the whole scene up from some place.
And, another Stanley stroller story is that just last night, I asked Stanley if he wanted to go on a walk. As always, he put down what he was doing, rushed to the door, tried to open it, then rushed to put on his jacket. After that, he did something different, he started walking back into the house in a very determined manner. He walked down the stairs and then over the living room. He looked around the living room and went down those stairs. Only then did I realize that his stroller was in the corner of the living room. Stanley was not going to miss out on pushing his stroller for the walk.
If you see a cute kid pushing a stroller, stop to say hello. We are all over the neighborhood lately with it.
Tahoe adventure

Stanley, Halima, and I went up to Tahoe last weekend. I went spring skiing and Halima and Stanley played in the woods and near the lake. It was a wonderful relaxing weekend. Stanley definitely enjoyed the view from the swing we found on the beach overlooking the lake. Rough life for a 17.5 month old kid.
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Stanley needed his hat Aunt Liz made him and a warm jacket, but stayed warm enough to swing for a while. |
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I also had some amazing views while skiing! |
Halima was worried about Stanley's feet getting cold in his little leather shoes. Stanley still dislikes his boots, but Halima did manage to convince him to wear regular tennis shoes. I almost fell over when I saw him walking about in the shoes below. He is not as agile with the regular shoes on, but he managed well enough. (He is a bit pigeon toed, so his left foot gets in the way of the right sometimes)

Friday, March 1, 2013
Thank goodness February is done. Throughout the month we have had a string of viruses that have taken us all down. They usually start with our virus petri dish Stanley...then Steve....then Julia...then just as I'm getting better we get another round while our immune systems are still down. I'm hoping that Steve and I will void the latest Stanley sickness...croup. It sounds as though we have a walrus living with us. Amazingly Stanley has been pretty good about it, but I'm looking forward to when he recovers.
Here's hoping for a healthier march.
Here's hoping for a healthier march.
Our next door neighbor a while ago gave us a little stroller for dolls that she had used when she was little. At the time Stanley was too young to really push it. Now though the stroller goes with us everywhere. Aperently there have been some kids at the park trying to take it; Stanley has let them know that it is his.
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