Friday, November 14, 2014


Amelia has been on the move lately. She is getting lots older in many ways. When we put her down on the ground she likes to move. The below picture wouldn't look all that strange, but about 1 min prior I left her facing the books on the blanket and when I turned back around she was the other way near the chair. Places to go...

She has also been gettig better about napping. It takes her a while to get to sleep since she doesn't want to miss anything, but once asleep, she sleeps for one 3 hour nap a day. She still has 2 other cat naps. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Stanley really enjoys the academy of science museum skulls exhibit. Today we went and Stanley sat right down at the drawing table to draw a skull. He choose the grizzly bear skull to draw. I was pretty impressed at the drawing. A few photos to follow. 

The first part of his drawing 


Stanley really enjoys the academy of science museum skulls exhibit. Today we went and Stanley sat right down at the drawing table to draw a skull. He choose the grizzly bear skull to draw. I was pretty impressed at the drawing. A few photos to follow. 

The first part of his drawing 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Be prepared

Stanley likes to sleep with a toy each night. I thought this was an odd choice, but as Papa Doug mentioned, he is just being prepared.
Here is Amelia enjoying the SF summer in November. Don't worry, again, she is prepared for the evening fog with her cozy bunting. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dressed up


Today we voted together. Stanley had a ballot this morning, where he needed to vote for his breakfast fruit and how he wanted to get to school. He chose all three choices for both questions. He was given the strawberries, blackberries, and banana. For the other question, I had to make an executive choice; it would have been hard to have him ride the stroller, ride his bike and walk all at the same time. 
Here are some photos. 

After voting.