Stanley got a science kit
from Ricki and Chase for his birthday. He made some crazy gooy stuff
this morning when he first opened the kit. Then this evening he worked
on making a glow-in-the-dark bouncy ball out of "globules" and putting
them in water and then letting it dry. It was pretty cool. He called it
his cosmic ray, after a book he has.
When we were going to sleep, this was my conversation:
Me: Stanley do you like science.
Stanley: yeah, I'm learning how to do science
Me: You know who else is a scientist?
Stanley: Yeah, Daddy and Papa Doug
Me: Yes. (I wanted to add in engineering as an OK profession) Stanley I'm an engineer. Engineers build stuff
Stanley paused for a moment
Mommy, you know who else is an engineer? Papa Doug. He is a better
engineer because he builds lots and lots of cool stuff.
guessing Stanley still remembers Papa Doug building the ramp and the box
structure. Forgot my 10 years of engineering, Papa Doug's engineering
clearly made more of a difference.