Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stanley's playdates

Stanley had a big day of play dates yesterday. He hung out with Andrew while April, Steve, and I had delicious Tartine sandwiches. Andrew is a younger but has some weight on Stanley

Stanley is in the left of the identical strollers

In the afternoon, his cousin Haley came to visit. She had Stanley staring right at her as she read to him, made him a fort, and talked with him. She will be a great babysitter in a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky Stanley with so many playmates. However, when photographing him with his new found friends, it is helpful to identify the babies. It was quite a guessing game to figure out which baby was Stanley and which was Andrew in the picture of the two of them in their strollers (and even their strollers are similar!). Stanley, like his dad, has lots of good, close friends.
