Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Stanley is really graduating out of things...
- Today we weighed him and he is 14 lbs 9 oz.
         (Gasp, No wonder my back has been bothering me if I carry him for a long while. )
- Size 2 diapers hopefully arrive today.
          We only have ~10 more of size 1, so they better come soon. And hopefully we will reduce the number of blow-outs we are having.
- We also ventured out today to get his birth certificate.
          It seems cool to both Steve and me that he can say he was born in San Fran. Now is is time for the passport! France, Switzerland, England, Japan here we come.
- He has been cooing lots. I'll take a video of it soon.

1 comment:

  1. Whole foods also carries seventh generation (in case the size 2 don't arrive).
