Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fun Guy

Stanley has been a pretty fun guy lately.  He is quick to flash a smile when we get home and he first sees us and has been a lot more interactive with his play recently.  He will often just look at each of us and stare us down until we start smiling and then break out in a huge, wide open mouth smile once we lock onto him. 

He's also grabbing things more securely these days.  This is both good and bad.  On the one hand, he doesn't drop the thing he is playing with nearly as frequently.  On the other hand, he will grab onto a toy and swing it about wildly with his arms.  It used to be that the toy would stay on the ground when the arms decided to see how fast they could go up and down, but now the toy goes along for the ride and ends up acting like a small, blunt weapon if you don't get out of the way.  Julia and I can both attest that this stings if you catch it wrong. 

At any rate, we seem to be keeping our heads above water with the sleeping (for the time being) and are really enjoying Stanley's developing personality. 

Oh, and I liked this picture from the other day.

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