Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Stanley's teething rock!
Growing up, I always spent 2 weeks at Piseco camping. It was a wonderful place where kids can roam around and swim, hike, canoe, and get very dirty. Stanley took to all of these very well except for the canoeing. He hated the life vest.

All in all it was a great adventure. We had to watch Stanley like a hawk because we didn't want him to put rocks in his mouth. We gave up on dirt and let him eat sand and dirt like a good little kid. We had to pick our battles and the dirt/sand was for sure a loosing case.

Here is a collection of photos from our adventure.
Big Dan giving Stanley
some 'good' but I'm sure
not at all baby food.

Stanley loved playing with all of
the other little kids. 

A beautiful loon sang almost every night.

The crowded beach
At 5 Simone was a good helper
 Sleeping was an adventure in itself. Stanley did not want to go take naps. He would stand at the door and smile if it was open or scream if it was closed.

For night, he would be so exhausted that we would put him in his sleep sack and just let him cry and move about the tent till he fell asleep. Usually, this was in a very convenient place right by the door to the tent or in the middle of mom's sleeping pad. It was never near his own sleeping pad. We all survived, but we sure were happy to get back to Stanley sleeping in his own crib. 

Stanley took some baths in the lake, but was
so dirty by the end of the week that
he could have quite the mohawk.

Stanley always had a group of people
with whom he could talk.

The last night before leaving we spent the night
in the lodge so that we could
be somewhat clean for the flight home.


  1. Tent camping at Piseco holds a whote new aura for many of us because Stanley camped there. He is a new generation of our family to be delighted with the lake, ducks, woods, streams and friends (plus experience a few mosquitoes and storms).
    Thanks for all the wonderful pictures!

  2. Oh my goodness, these pics gave my heart a tug!! Piseco is such a special place. Wish I could have been there with you all!

  3. So happy to see your pictures, Julia, and read your blog of your first camping trip with Stanley. I can imagine him getting a kick out of reading it when he's a teenager and beyond! I'm so glad my grandkids got to experience Piseco as well, and they are developing the deep memories that we all have of the place. Until next year!
