Enjoying BBQing together.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
This past weekend, Stanley helped us garden. He enjoyed raking up sticks, leaves, and dirt with Steve, but what he really loved was holding the big dustpan, having us push the leaves and sticks into the dustpan and then him dump it all into the compost sack. Once in a while he would tip the stuff out before the dustpan was completely in the sack, but all in all, he did quite well.
For the next two days after he helped us, he went outside and brought us the dustpan so that he could help again.
He is a good little worker when he has a job and we are all working at something together.
Julia got Stanley a new toy when she was at target. It is a big red ball and cost a whopping $1.99. He loves it. Julia was remarking how little boys like to carry things around that are much too large for them to move. I was thinking back to the Christmas tree adventure from this year and it got me thinking that it is not just little boys.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Stanley still loves ice cream cones. Big surprise. He is also still really slow at eating them. Here he is a good five to ten minutes into eating this one. I'll post again tomorrow once he finished this thing. I'm going to bed.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Stanley loves to bring me books to read. The other day he brought me 'Good Night Moon' and when we got to the page with the house he clearly said 'house'. Julia heard it from the other room.
On that same day, he picked up a stuffed duck and said "This is quack quack"
On that same day, he picked up a stuffed duck and said "This is quack quack"
Thursday, April 11, 2013
We went to a Giants versus Rockies game earlier this week. To get there we took Bart and then took a ricksha for the last portion. Stanley loves biking but I'm not sure the pedicab was really his cup of tea. Steve and I loved it though; it was relaxing and a great way to see the city.
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Go Giants! |
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Go Rockies! |
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Following after Papa Doug
Stanley just loves almond butter (and sometimes jelly) sandwiches. If he could, he would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He is definitely taking after his Papa Doug.
Where did you put your shoes Stanley?
Stanley's is not a fan of rubber soled shoes, but after he did this, I started thinking maybe he just does not like shoes in general. Good thing his toilet flusher does not work.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Plane advice
Our lucky little boy Stanley has been on at least 12-13 different plane trips in his short little 18 months life (I'd guess over 35+ flights). And almost all have seemed to go remarkably smoothly. We did both end up with poop on us after one flight when he was 5 weeks old...but it comes with the territory.
Last week, Stanley and my trip out to Denver was very easy (Steve was already there). Stanley walked the airport since I had too much luggage to also carry him. Our only big holdup was that he was infatuated with the light-up airport map and wanted to point and talk about it rather than go meet up with Danielle and Casey.
In all of our trips, other mother's, and a great pediatric nurse, I have picked up on some great advice. But after yesterday's adventurous flight home, I have some more to add to the list.
Yesterday at Lele's house Stanley threw up his breakfast. I was pretty sure it was a bad sign for the trip ahead. At least Stanley and I got up graded to first class. Just as the wheels were coming off the ground on take off, Stanley threw up again..multiple times. And, because we were still taking off, both of us had to sit covered in throw up. And, I proceeded to nurse him a bit more to help his ears. That came up a few minutes after being nursed. (But at least his ears were ok) It was a mess (thank gosh the seat was pleather!) Finally after the flight attendants could come help, they gave us a napkin with warm water on it, a plastic garbage bag and lots of paper towel. I changed Stanley out of his soaked clothes and then had to change all of my clothes after the seat belt sign when off. I needed new everything, even my socks.Stanley puked a second time later in the flight. Thankfully, the flight attendant told me to use a clean garbage bag as a blanket over him and when he goes to puke it will end up in the bag. It worked like a charm! We did not need to use a 3rd set of clothes. So, my new advice added to the list is:
- Have multiple sets of clothes for parents and child in your carry-on accessible. It is hard to dig when you are holding a puke covered baby while you are also covered in puke. Also take a spare of everything even underwear and socks for the parent. I highly recommend shorts or exercise pants because they are easier to put on in a small bathroom.
- I had always been told keep a gallon sized ziplock for dirty clothes. Stanley clothes fit in a gallon sized ziplock, but mine definitely do not! Ask for a garbage bag from a flight attendant or just have a big garbage bag with you.
- Hope you sit next to a parent who is not completely disgusted by baby vomit all over the place. (I got lucky yesterday)
Other advice for those with kids:
- You can wear your baby threw security and do not need to take them out of their carriers. (Changed as of Aug 2011). Do not wear them over a jacket or sweater because they may ask you to take off your sweater which means taking off the baby.
- Ask if there is a family line for security. In most all cases it is faster than the premier line. (And usually they are hidden).
- Call your preferred parking establishment because some require car seats on the shuttles and some don't and some don't even let infants on etc.
- It is better to gate check strollers and car seats rather than check them earlier. More likely they will actually end up at your destination then checked baggage.
- Do not put random stuff in the stroller. Have everything already in a bag. They will ask you to fold down the stroller and car seat and you do not want to be collecting toys/diapers etc out of the stroller pockets
- Our nurse told us to always have Tylenol and Motrin with you and do not be afraid to use it for ears or if the kids are really uneasy.
- Nurse or feed your kid on the way up and on the way down. BTW, landing goes WAY slower, so if possible, feed them...stop...feed them...stop etc. Otherwise they will be done far before the pressure is released. And, don't start feeding them till you are actually taking off. Once I waited an hour after we started taxiing before we actually took off. Stanley was done eating by the time we took off. And also, at least for Stanley, if he is asleep, don't bother waking him, but have the milk ready for if he wakes up crying because his ears need popping.
- Have toys and books with you. Danielle's advice is to get cheap toys from the Dollar store so if they get lost it doesn't matter.
- United 757s and really small planes do not have changing tables in them. If your kid is small enough, use your lap to change them as you sit on the toilet in the bathroom or put the kid on the toilet seat if they are too big for your lap. In either case, have very big disposable changing pads with you.You are not allowed to change them in the galley areas of the plane.
- Do not take your diaper bag to the bathroom--it is gross and there is no place to put it. Have 2 diapers, wipes, and changing pad in a gallon sized ziplock and just take that with you to change them.
- The back of the plane is a great place to go if you need to bounce your baby to sleep. It is a great white noise maker.
- Certain planes only have extra air masks on one side of the plane or every other aisle etc. (CRJ's have them on the CD side) Be ready to move when the flight attendant asks you. Or ask as you enter a small plane. And most planes do not allow 2 lap babies in 1 row.
- This is advice from Captain Flounder: Do NOT put your seat belt around you and your lap baby! If the plane stops fast or there is bad turbulence, your body weight will smoosh your baby very badly against the seat belt. Just hold them tight and know that your instinct is to grab the seat. The seat belt will hold you and you just concentrate on holding your baby.
Sorry for the long post, I think that is all of the advice I can think of. Hope it might be useful to someone with little kids.
Last week, Stanley and my trip out to Denver was very easy (Steve was already there). Stanley walked the airport since I had too much luggage to also carry him. Our only big holdup was that he was infatuated with the light-up airport map and wanted to point and talk about it rather than go meet up with Danielle and Casey.
In all of our trips, other mother's, and a great pediatric nurse, I have picked up on some great advice. But after yesterday's adventurous flight home, I have some more to add to the list.
Yesterday at Lele's house Stanley threw up his breakfast. I was pretty sure it was a bad sign for the trip ahead. At least Stanley and I got up graded to first class. Just as the wheels were coming off the ground on take off, Stanley threw up again..multiple times. And, because we were still taking off, both of us had to sit covered in throw up. And, I proceeded to nurse him a bit more to help his ears. That came up a few minutes after being nursed. (But at least his ears were ok) It was a mess (thank gosh the seat was pleather!) Finally after the flight attendants could come help, they gave us a napkin with warm water on it, a plastic garbage bag and lots of paper towel. I changed Stanley out of his soaked clothes and then had to change all of my clothes after the seat belt sign when off. I needed new everything, even my socks.Stanley puked a second time later in the flight. Thankfully, the flight attendant told me to use a clean garbage bag as a blanket over him and when he goes to puke it will end up in the bag. It worked like a charm! We did not need to use a 3rd set of clothes. So, my new advice added to the list is:
- Have multiple sets of clothes for parents and child in your carry-on accessible. It is hard to dig when you are holding a puke covered baby while you are also covered in puke. Also take a spare of everything even underwear and socks for the parent. I highly recommend shorts or exercise pants because they are easier to put on in a small bathroom.
- I had always been told keep a gallon sized ziplock for dirty clothes. Stanley clothes fit in a gallon sized ziplock, but mine definitely do not! Ask for a garbage bag from a flight attendant or just have a big garbage bag with you.
- Hope you sit next to a parent who is not completely disgusted by baby vomit all over the place. (I got lucky yesterday)
Other advice for those with kids:
- You can wear your baby threw security and do not need to take them out of their carriers. (Changed as of Aug 2011). Do not wear them over a jacket or sweater because they may ask you to take off your sweater which means taking off the baby.
- Ask if there is a family line for security. In most all cases it is faster than the premier line. (And usually they are hidden).
- Call your preferred parking establishment because some require car seats on the shuttles and some don't and some don't even let infants on etc.
- It is better to gate check strollers and car seats rather than check them earlier. More likely they will actually end up at your destination then checked baggage.
- Do not put random stuff in the stroller. Have everything already in a bag. They will ask you to fold down the stroller and car seat and you do not want to be collecting toys/diapers etc out of the stroller pockets
- Our nurse told us to always have Tylenol and Motrin with you and do not be afraid to use it for ears or if the kids are really uneasy.
- Nurse or feed your kid on the way up and on the way down. BTW, landing goes WAY slower, so if possible, feed them...stop...feed them...stop etc. Otherwise they will be done far before the pressure is released. And, don't start feeding them till you are actually taking off. Once I waited an hour after we started taxiing before we actually took off. Stanley was done eating by the time we took off. And also, at least for Stanley, if he is asleep, don't bother waking him, but have the milk ready for if he wakes up crying because his ears need popping.
- Have toys and books with you. Danielle's advice is to get cheap toys from the Dollar store so if they get lost it doesn't matter.
- United 757s and really small planes do not have changing tables in them. If your kid is small enough, use your lap to change them as you sit on the toilet in the bathroom or put the kid on the toilet seat if they are too big for your lap. In either case, have very big disposable changing pads with you.You are not allowed to change them in the galley areas of the plane.
- Do not take your diaper bag to the bathroom--it is gross and there is no place to put it. Have 2 diapers, wipes, and changing pad in a gallon sized ziplock and just take that with you to change them.
- The back of the plane is a great place to go if you need to bounce your baby to sleep. It is a great white noise maker.
- Certain planes only have extra air masks on one side of the plane or every other aisle etc. (CRJ's have them on the CD side) Be ready to move when the flight attendant asks you. Or ask as you enter a small plane. And most planes do not allow 2 lap babies in 1 row.
- This is advice from Captain Flounder: Do NOT put your seat belt around you and your lap baby! If the plane stops fast or there is bad turbulence, your body weight will smoosh your baby very badly against the seat belt. Just hold them tight and know that your instinct is to grab the seat. The seat belt will hold you and you just concentrate on holding your baby.
Sorry for the long post, I think that is all of the advice I can think of. Hope it might be useful to someone with little kids.
Trip to Denver
We just got back from a wonderful trip to Denver. We schedule it to see Danielle and Casey--it is definitely shorter and easier to fly to Denver than NYC. And, as an added bonus, we got to see Lele, Grandpa Tom and the rest of the Kelly clan. It was a wonderful Easter adventure.
I'll post some more pictures later when I get them off the camera.
Stanley and I had a very easy flight out to Denver and Danielle and Casey picked us up in their very large rental car.
As a big adventure, we went to the children's museum in Denver. Both Stanley and Casey had a great time! Highly recommend the museum to people visiting Denver. Taking after me, Stanley loved to play store. Steve and I laughed because his first cart full of groceries was some veggies and 5 jars of Almond butter. (Hmm, guess Stanley knows what he likes, at least subconsciously)

I'll post some more pictures later when I get them off the camera.
Stanley and I had a very easy flight out to Denver and Danielle and Casey picked us up in their very large rental car.
As a big adventure, we went to the children's museum in Denver. Both Stanley and Casey had a great time! Highly recommend the museum to people visiting Denver. Taking after me, Stanley loved to play store. Steve and I laughed because his first cart full of groceries was some veggies and 5 jars of Almond butter. (Hmm, guess Stanley knows what he likes, at least subconsciously)

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Taking a break. Stanley played so hard that he completely wore himself out! |
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Playing knock-knock together at the airport. |
Casey and Stanley seemed to get along from the beginning, but they really started playing together at the end. They were playing peekaboo with each other, giving each other items in the toy kitchen, and playing knock knock. Everything seemed to make the two of them smile and laugh at each other.
I love this video Danielle captured: Too-cute-casey-and-stanley
Here are a few other cute posts from Danielle's blog. (Thanks Danielle for keeping your blog going more than we do!)
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Stanley was quite enamored with the very large cars in Denver!! |
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