Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This past weekend, Stanley helped us garden. He enjoyed raking up sticks, leaves, and dirt with Steve, but what he really loved was holding the big dustpan, having us push the leaves and sticks into the dustpan and then him dump it all into the compost sack. Once in a while he would tip the stuff out before the dustpan was completely in the sack, but all in all, he did quite well.

For the next two days after he helped us, he went outside and brought us the dustpan so that he could help again.

He is a good little worker when he has a job and we are all working at something together. 


  1. Maybe Stanley should start at his young age to specialize in growing palm trees. Money and employment might result from that fertile garden of yours.

    1. We have enough palm trees in the yard, thank you very much... I think another one would make the yard nearly uninhabitable.
