On Sunday, we were at our neighbors house and Stanley found a kids picture book. He brought Steve and me the book and opened it to the page with the ball on it. Stanley said 'baaal'. He was very proud and so were we. It is probably his favorite word these days and continually points outside to the balls in the backyard. But then, our neighbor standing with us open the book to the page with the fish. He pointed to the fish and asked Stanley what it was...Stanley very loudly and clearly said 'feesh'. Steve and I were both shocked since we had no idea he knew the word for fish.
Then this morning, Stanley brought me a train book and I happen to open it to the page with carrots getting loaded into the train. First Stanley clarified, that the train is a 'choochoo' and then when asked about the carrots, he clearly said 'carrrro'. The 't' was a bit silent, but I was still mighty impressed.
His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. I will need to list out some of his words that he says at 20 months. I better do it quickly, because it appears to be growing by the minute.
That's so exciting!