Stanley turned 2 years old on Sept 17th. With Steve away and me at home with Stanley, his party got left for a VERY last minute planning. For example, the cake was cooked 1h15min before guests arrived, so it was in the freezer cooling as the guests arrived. However, all in all, it went over really well, and Stanley just loved having 6 other kids within a year of him at his house playing with his toys. Sadly Steve missed a good part of the party since he was busy practicing for a talk, however, he caught the cake cutting.
Stanley was also a very lucky boy to get some wonderful toys from his very generous friends. Here are some pictures from the festivities.
The kids enjoyed each others company and a different places toys. Most of the kids made it into the above picture, though a little help was needed by the adults.

On Stanley's real birthday, I got home late, so we had a little piece of left over cake and that was it. He seemed to enjoy the candles, though he couldn't master blowing them out.
Lele came to visit the day after Stanley's birthday. Stanley enjoyed eating cupcakes and opening another present of "choochoos".
Look at that sweet face with his birthday cake!! I also love the "herding cats" pictures of everyone trying to get 6 toddlers to stand still and look at the camera at the same time.