Friday, August 15, 2014

2 weeks

I forgot to post this last week. 

Amelia was 2 weeks last Thursday. She is a precious child and she very rarely cries (knock on wood this lasts). She has a very easy temperament. She loves when she is held, but she is also just as happy in her bassinet either swaddled or not. She spends lots of time sleeping and she eats quite well.

She managed to get up to her exact 7lbs 8oz birth weight 8 days after being born. On her 2 week birthday she weighted 8lbs4oz. That is almost 2 oz of weight per day. The doctor actually thought this was too much weight and is contributing to some acid reflux issues. 
Below are some photos. 

 Amelia enjoys:
- Laying on the changing table looking at the trees outside
- Being held by anyone, but especially Papa Doug if she is fussy
- The moby(mostly) and the stroller --she spends the entire time asleep in these
- Nursing
- Her bassinet and plascinet (more about this in a separate post)
- Sleeping lots

Amelia can:
- Sometimes grab her brother's finger. Stanley is very cute saying "Baby hold on to my finger baby" and repeating it over and over till she finally holds on.
- Smile once in a while, though I'm pretty sure it is just a reflex
- Look around for about 30 minutes at a time, particularly in the evening
- Sleep up to 4.5 hours (it only happened for 2 nights, but I'll take what we can get) The rest of the night is around 3 hour stretches
- Cover everyone she comes near in spit up
- Get a lot of attention wherever we go from anyone over 2 years old

Happy Birthday Lolo

We celebrated Lolo's birthday yesterday. For an adventure, we went to the Embarcadero and looked at sail boats and spent time at the playground there. Then we had a big dinner and delicious desert. Stanley definitely was partaking in the cake and candy.

I cannot help but laugh at the below picture...something seems a bit different than I would expect.

My big brother

Stanley is so wonderful with Amelia. This morning he was adamant that he wanted to have her in his bed for a few minutes. I was not keen on it because I was using the time to sleep myself, but I couldn't say no to such a sweet request. (Stanley is gentle, but the situation still required very close supervision.)

He also wants to carry Amelia all by himself. Not yet an option, but we do let him help and also he is very good at burping her.
Below he is showing his sister her new toys on her play mat. Stanley thought she needed to hold the toys, but that was clearly too advanced for a 2 week old. Since we shouldn't do that, he proceeded to sing to her. 

Stanley and mommy adventure

I was given some great advice to take Stanley out for mommy and Stanley time only. Yesterday, at 2 weeks minus 2 hours, we left Amelia with Papa Doug and ventured to music class. Granted it was only for 1 hr, but still seemed like a big deal. It was at least a month before I would have done it with Stanley, but as a second child, leaving her seemed to be easier. (Sorry Amelia) 

Stanley had a great time and even did a wonderful drum solo during class. And learned to draw notes for a song we made during class. It was definitely a fun adventure.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cal Academy

We went to the museum last week. Stanley had a great time looking at the butterflies and fish and showing Lolo and Papa Doug all the snakes and frogs. Busy day, but lots of fun.

Monday, August 11, 2014

1st week

Amelia has definitely been a lot easier at sleeping than Stanley was when he was her age. Our current schedule at 1.5 weeks is having her eat every 3 to 3.5 hours at night, but between those feedings, she sleeps like a log and so do I.

Besides the sleeping, she looks a lot like Stanley I think. I also couldn't help but notice their sleeping positions. When not in their swaddles, I'd say they might be related.

Amelia sleeping
Stanley sleeping

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hamster Dance

Lele and Papa Tom sent Stanley a card in the mail to congratulate him on getting a new baby sister.  It has a cute little story about being a hamster, eating pizza, making a mess, and dancing your tail off.

And it plays music.

An annoyingly catchy dance-pop number that makes you nod your head and shake your hips.

Stanley LOVES it.  He played it about 20 times this morning before Julia heard it and woke up to come see what all the commotion was about.  Here are a couple videos of him dancing to the tune from the card.  You can probably hear the song playing in the background.

It is much louder in person.  Trust me.

Another round a bit later…

For the full experience, you can check this out.  But I wouldn't.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Christmas in August?

With new baby Amelia around, we are going through a lot of hand sanitizer.  We have a big bottle of it, and we smear some on our hands before we pick her up if we have been out or playing with some of Stanley's toys.  Stanley gets to put it on before he holds or plays with Amelia as well.

The other morning Stanley wanted to hold Amelia and I said, "OK, but first we have to use some sanitizer."

He replied, "OK.  Santa brought it..."

I did a bit of a double-take and was confused for a bit, until I realized that he pronounces it "Santa-tizer."  He thought the Jolly Old Elf had brought us this big jug of clear gel that makes our hand clean.  Hmmm.  I said, "yeah, Santa brought it!  Do you like Santa-tizer?"

"Hmm," said Stanley.  Well, Merry Christmas!

Stanley and Amelia

Stanley has enjoyed his new baby sister. He loves to point out the things she is doing, count her toes and hold her for 30 second stretches. He often goes up and strokes her on his own. He has been very gentle with her and a great big brother.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Amelia's First few days

Amelia has been a fun little girl to have at home. At this stage with Stanley, both Steve and I were exhausted and Steve was starting to walk the streets at night to get him to quiet down at night. Amelia has been amazingly good in comparison. She gives us one long stretch, but is quiet between the feedings. I think we are all feeling much better than at her 1 week birthday than when Stanley was one week old.

 Yesterday we even ventured out for her first non-doctor apt outing to the Cal Academy of Science. Amelia and I basically sat the entire time, but Stanley, Steve, Papa Doug, and Lolo walked around and saw lots of beautiful things.

 Here are a few photos of Amelia at other times.

So little in such a big crib
This is not a great photo, but it shows off her red hair

Amelia's trip home

Since we had a few photos of Stanley on the blog heading home from the hospital, I wanted to add one of Amelia's first trip home. There was no crying, which I hope is a good omen for the future.

Lolo and Papa Doug

Lolo and Papa Doug came at just the right time. They arrived 3 hours before Amelia was born. Unfortunately, now Stanley feels as though Steve and I are going to leave every time they come over. Stanley will not leave the house unless Steve or I are with them.

Here are some photos. Lolo doesn't appear to be in many of these, because she has spent lots of time cleaning, doing laundry and playing with Stanley while I'm asleep. Papa Doug's main job is to keep Amelia up after her feedings. She has a great projectile vomit if she is put on her back within 20 minutes of eating.

Papa Doug made Stanley a much improved ramp.

It is a BIG hit!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 4 Amelia

She has amassed quite he laundry piles after being home only 2 days. 

A few more photos to enjoy 
And one from the hospital. This includes the toys that Stanley chose to give her as a welcome to our world present. These were some if Stanley's toys. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Welcome Amelia!

Amelia Ann Kelly was born Thursday July 31st at 5:56pm at CPMC hospital. She weighed in at 7lbs 8 oz and was 19" long. She was a few days past her July 28th due date, but decided to make a quick entrance into the world, 11 minutes after walking through the door of the hospital. It was a thrilling drive to the hospital, to say the least.

Stanley, Steve, and I are thrilled to welcome her into our family. She is a healthy little girl and we are all enjoying having her home with us.