Friday, August 8, 2014

Christmas in August?

With new baby Amelia around, we are going through a lot of hand sanitizer.  We have a big bottle of it, and we smear some on our hands before we pick her up if we have been out or playing with some of Stanley's toys.  Stanley gets to put it on before he holds or plays with Amelia as well.

The other morning Stanley wanted to hold Amelia and I said, "OK, but first we have to use some sanitizer."

He replied, "OK.  Santa brought it..."

I did a bit of a double-take and was confused for a bit, until I realized that he pronounces it "Santa-tizer."  He thought the Jolly Old Elf had brought us this big jug of clear gel that makes our hand clean.  Hmmm.  I said, "yeah, Santa brought it!  Do you like Santa-tizer?"

"Hmm," said Stanley.  Well, Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun blog to read and enjoy. Learning new words, their associations and origin come from many different sources. Thanks Stanley for setting me straight on a word.
