It is amazing to think that Stanley is 6 weeks old. These 6 weeks have flown by but he still seems so new.
I am having a very hard time imagining that I will be going back to work in 2 weeks. I have been in quite a panic over how much I am going to miss little Stanley. At least, Lolo will be taking care of him for Nov and Dec. Tuesday Steve, Stanley, and I will venture down to Palo Alto to visit two different day care centers.
This week has been lots of fun to spend with Stanley. First off, all three of us are sleeping more. Usually we get one
long 4 hour stretch at the beginning of the night. So, everyone is a bit happier. Stanley spends most of his days smiling, grunting, looking around, staring at me, and of course eating. We still have a fussy period in the evening, but hopefully that slowly goes away as he starts doing more of the other items. You may have noticed that sleeping is not on this list--our little man likes to be awake. He does not like to sleep except in the carriers or sometimes in the stroller.
I cannot say that we have any routine to our day yet. But, for three days running, Stanley and I slept on the couch from 9am - noon. Unfortunately, it stopped 2 days ago. We will see if we can bring that one little routine back.
Stanley is taking after his father while eating. Steve likes to eat slowly versus me who scarfs down my food. Stanley enjoys being a connoisseur of milk; he tastes it and then stops eating for a while until he decides he would like a bit more. The funnier part is when he licks it a bit and then proceeds to taste it. Especially at 3am, I'd prefer a beer guzzler than wine taster.
Stanley loves...
- White noise
- The space station (on or off)
- The outdoors
- To sleep in the carriers
- Not being hot
- Pooping in daddy's arms
- Being on airplanes
- The windows in mom and dad's room
- His zebra over the changing table
Stanley hates...
- Dirty diapers (I would too)
- He is not keen on tummy time, but he loves to sleep on his tummy during skin to skin
- The crib
- The first 20 minutes of any car ride. The ensuing screaming means that no one likes the first 20 minutes.
- Sleeping at anytime. He does not want to miss what is going on in the world.
Stanley can...
- He has been a lot more alert this week and likes to look around. Do not try to have a starring contest with him--he will win.
- He grunts a bunch more
- He has gotten lots better at his gas management
- Takes a bottle like a pro
- Goes 4 hours without eating. Hurray!!
- He can pee on his dad
- Grow out of outfits within days
- Smile
Tomorrow we go for his 4 week check up (yes 2 weeks late). We will get his stats and post those.