Monday, October 31, 2011

Team O's

We received a package in the mail a little while ago from my friends in Tahoe.  It was small, just a thick envelope with a small soft bulge and I wasn't really sure what was in it.  Julia knew immediately.  She said, "I bet it is a 'Team O's' onesie."  Sure enough, that is exactly what it was.

Quite stylish, no?

Super quick back story.  My high school friends and I used to go skiing every weekend together and we would eat a nutritious lunch of dirt cheap canned pasta heated up in the microwave of the lodge at the bottom of the mountain.  Then, one day, while entering an informal mogul competition there was a place on the entry form for "team" and "Team Spaghettio's" (O's for short) was born.  We have a small tradition of manufacturing shirts to dedicate important events (usually involving spray paint and homemade stencils cut from a beer carton) like weddings and the like.  Well, Stanley, welcome to the team.  And, as the onesie reads, "Tiny Team O's - You Know You Want One."