Saturday, October 15, 2011

Four Weeks

Stanley turned four weeks old today.  I was at the lab doing experiments most of the day, so he and mom went on their own adventures today to get some milk at the store, check out the Noe Valley Harvest Festival on 24th Street and walk around with our friend Kat Terry visiting from Tahoe.  Apparently, Stanley had quite a following of onlookers at the Harvest Festival and people kept trying to peek around Julia to get a look at him.

A few traits we have noticed so far:

He is stubborn and knows what he wants (or makes it look that way).  When he wants his pacifier, he really wants it and nothing else will do.  But, when he doesn't want it, don't even try to put it in his mouth.  He will seal those lips right up.

He has very long arms (like me).  Julia said today that the waitress at Chloe's commented on how long his arms were as he was sitting in her lap bear hugging her after falling asleep.

Stanley can:

- Almost smile
- Almost roll over to his stomach (he can get to his side)
- Fall asleep in either the Beco or Moby instantly
- Swat his arms at the toys in the "Space Station"
- Follow people's eyes and faces

Stanley likes:

- The hairdryer
- Looking out the window from his "lounge chair"
- The blue pacifiers
- Going on walks
- His zebra picture over the changing table
- Music
- His "Space Station".  (This is a play center thing we got where he sits on a mat below some dangling toys.  There is a motor that moves the toys around and plays music.  The song is slowly burning it's way into our brains.  This could get ugly.)

Stanley hates:

- Being gassy -- with a passion
- Going to sleep at night
- Wet diapers -- who wouldn't?

That is all I can think of tonight.  Time to try and get some sleep.  Thankfully I didn't have to leave the house at 4am this morning for my experiment like yesterday.  Part of the equipment malfunctioned overnight and it had to get serviced this morning.  Not sure I would be standing right now if that hadn't happened. 

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