Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello Maui

On Saturday, Steve and I arrived with our cute Stanley in Maui. We are having a week vacation together where we stayed a year and a half ago. Don’t worry readers, we were reminded that our blog does not take vacation; however, we don’t have much internet access, so the updates will not be frequent.

This has been an amazing vacation so far and Stanley has been so much fun. He smiles all of the time! He hardly cries, he enjoys looking around at all of the new things (though at times this takes precedence to eating), and he has started to be able to play with Sophie the giraffe by himself while Steve and I do something for a few minutes.

Stanley has also been quite the charmer and captures many people’s attention with his big smile.

Here is a set of pictures from our adventures so far…

The first day, we took Stanley to the kiddie pool and he was infatuated by the gravel on his feet. There was no chance of having him look up at the camera. He wanted to see what was surrounding his feet. Sorry the sound is the trade-winds, so turn down the volume and just watch.   

Stanley enjoyed hanging out with us near the pool.

We then went and had a picnic by the ocean. Stanley got to spend some of his time naked after blowing out of his diaper during the lunch. That was only the first of 4 blow-outs that day. He is going to run out of onesies if he keeps this up.

Normally I don’t photograph Stanley’s naps, but for posterity, here Stanley is wearing Steve’s old jacket from when Steve was a few months old and a onesie that Steve ‘sewed’ for his sister Liz when Steve was about 5 years old. (Notice the wonderful heart he put on it.)

Today, after Stanley’s first dip up to his chest in a pool, we went up the volcano Haleakala.

We were a bit worried about Stanley and the 10,000ft altitude, so we did not stay long. (We were especially worried after we saw a guy pass out on the road while taking a photo at 8k ft)

But, we did stay long enough to enjoy the view and take a few photos. These moments were the only time that Stanley also got to enjoy the views. For the rest of the time, he was covered with a blanket for sun protection. And, in general, he hates the sun in his eyes, but with his sunglasses, he was his smiley self.

So long for now. We will update when we get back to a Starbuck's for internet. 


  1. Thanks ever so much for the pictures and update. Looks as if, you three are in paradise.

  2. These are fabulous photos. Thank you for taking the time from your vacation to share with all of us! Love the sunglasses!
