Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stanley at 4 Months

Stanley turned 4 months old a couple days ago.  The most recent developments seem to be that we have gone almost completely backwards with regard to our sleep and ability to soothe Stanley.  For instance, just a few weeks ago Stanley was only waking during the night once or twice to feed and we could get him to go to sleep fairly easily just by swaddling him and laying him down in his crib.  Now, Stanley wakes 4-5 times during the night and we can't get him to sleep unless I walk him up and down the hallway bobbing up and down.  Astute readers will recall this is how we got Stanley to sleep when he was just a few weeks old. 

Also, the rest of our tricks don't seem to be working.  Stanley doesn't like his pacifiers anymore.  Feeding doesn't really work to soothe him to sleep anymore.  Despite this, Julia is reminding me that he is still a joy.  And it's true. 

Stanley can:

- As of today, roll from his back to his front (once), we gave up the swaddle a week ago because he was trying to roll over like this in the crib
- Make new noises like coo's and gurglings that we interpret as him trying to roll his r's practicing for his Russian lessons
- Pick his neck and torso up much further than before, but still falls forward
- Hold onto toys and throw them on the floor (especially the jingle bell rattle)
- Smile at people he knows and likes (like us and Halima)
- Get his foot into his mouth during his "happy baby" pose


Stanley loves:

- The stroller and being outside on walks
- Standing up
- Eating his hands and feet
- His fuzzy blue blanket
- His "balls and sticks" toy that he gnaws on
- Watching football with Dad
- His chair and space station, although he may outgrow the chair in a bit

Stanley dislikes:

- Tummy time
- Being ignored
- Sitting still
- Pacifiers usually
- The time between 3-4am

1 comment:

  1. Stanley is so precious. Evidently Steve spoiled his parents by sleeping more, giving us all unrealistic expectations. Think how thrilled you will be when Stanley does decide to let everyone sleep. Love to all, lele
