Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Amelia at 8 months

Amelia turned 8 months today. She is just so much fun. I cannot believe she is 8 months old. 
Last night she was standing and then I let go. She surprised Stanley, me and even herself by standing not holding on to anything for about 12 seconds. Once she did it, she realized and and wouldn't want to do it again. However, I think soon she will be walking. She crawled at exactly 5.5 months and now she is an expert at walking holding on to different furniture items. 
She absolutely loves her brother. She knows her name and will come when I call, sometimes. However if Stanley calls her name she will drop what she is doing and crawl to find him. 

Amelia can 
- crawl very quickly 
- put at least every other cheerio into her mouth
- move to music 
- did I mention crawl quickly under the table or chairs so that it is hard to get her 
- pull herself up on anything even a flat surface without handles 
- crawl down a ramp or the poof. Stanley often fell if there were a few inch lip. 
- eat most foods. 
- sleep pretty well

Amelia loves 
- Yogurt, black beans, lentils, Cheerios. She has one tooth, do she is starting to eat little pieces of food like green beans or asparagus 
- Her brother 
- Always moving!!! 
- Playing with her brother's toys 
- Putting EVERYTHING in her mouth 
- Music
- Her brothers toys 
- Martha her nanny. And her little buddy John 

Amelia does not like:
- having her diaper changed or really anything that makes her lie in her back 
- chicken 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Just a couple pictures of Amelia playing with the barn. She seems so involved in playing with it. Very focused. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

St Patricks day parade

We enjoyed the St Patricks day parade. We dressed in green except for Stanley hi pointed out a very small patch of green in his Lightening McQueen shirt. 

However, Stanley was thrilled to get sunglasses, beads and lots of candy at the parade. He wore those proudly. We sat right at the front where the parade started and had a great view and were thrown fun treats.  

Afterwords we had lunch looking out at the bay and the boats. We sure enjoy living in SF. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Styling in shades

Here are two pictures the nanny took of Amelia as they were heading out for a walk today. The shades are courtesy of the St Patricks day parade on Saturday. She is getting pretty good at hamming it up for the camera. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Christmas at Papa Tom and Lele's house

Just saw this was not published.  Oops!  Well, enjoy this blast from the past (a couple months ago)!

We had a very fun time at Lele and Papa Tom's house for Christmas. It was COLD!! One day it was even -9F. Yikes. It was fun to spend time with family.  Here are pictures and videos.

He's dancing to an electronic snowman toy.  Nice moves.

They make each other laugh constantly.  This is just a taste.

Just ask the 3 year old

We were getting ready to go to the Chinese New Year Parade downtown and Julia was trying to remember how to say Happy New Year in Chinese.  She was mostly there, but was not sure she was right.  We did the logic thing and asked Stanley.  He shouted out as loud as he could, "gong hey fat choy!"  I went and checked online and he was right.  

He got outside to take the train downtown and shouted "gong hey fat choy" at the top of his lungs all the way to the train.  Apparently you learn really useful stuff in preschool!

Videos this time

Here are some videos that have been sitting on my phone for a while now.  Enjoy!

Here the two of them are chatting together at the dinner table.  Apparently they both like to ham it up for the camera.

We were at the park the other weekend and Amelia got to get in the swing for the first time.  Stanley helped out with the pushing.  Fun times.

Here the two of them are having some fun times before bed.  Lots of giggles and laughs.  

This is from a birthday party.  He and David were zipping around in these toy cars.  They have a lot of work to do before getting the drivers licenses, though.

A few pictures

I just realized I hadn't uploaded any pictures from the phone in a while. Here are a couple recent ones for your enjoyment.