Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Regular

Stanley is hanging out with uncle Flounder today. This morning they went to a coffee shop together. Flounder sent us this text along with the picture below:

"Chocolate spiced doughnut. I thought I would culture this kid when the barista recognized Stanley. "That is not your kid, he always comes in with another guy" I guess Stanley is a regular."

Maybe we need to expand where we go for coffee, but Stanley seems to like  our current routine. Maybe a bit young to be a coffee shop regular, though. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Home depot fun

Turns out that Home Depot holds a free class the first weekend of each month with a different activity. This was our first time going and we joined Wheeler. Thanks to Sam and Brenna's post, I'll just put the link below and you can see pictures and the activity did.  

Stanley enjoyed it and then had a wonderful play date with Wheeler. This was Stanley's first playdate by himself. My little toddler is being a big boy!

Thanks Sam and Brenna for the post:
Wheeler's Blog of Home Depot Drip

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Amelia at 4 months

My mom has a wonderful baby book for me. My young brother's baby book has a few pictures stuff in it and his name on the front--this is about it. I always thought how unfair it is for a second child and I would never do that. Well, from the blog you can tell that I'm following right in my mom's foot prints.

Amelia at 4 months has really started to have a personality. She definitely gets the giggles at points and enjoys laughing lots. She has also started to recognize people. She gives a big smile when her dad, mom, or nanny Martha comes over. She is either scared or happy to see Stanley. Sometimes she is definitely a little reticent about having Stanley around; he has started to 'play' with her. It usually involves him pulling her arms in different directions to pretend push him and then he falls. I'm going to guess Amelia is going to either learn to run the other way or become pretty strong.

She is also on the move. I think her neck control is pretty amazing and she moves quite a bit. Her ability to move looks strange because she is so little. Her height is 50%, but her weight comes in at ~10%. 4 days before her 4 month appointment, she weighed in at 11 lbs 9oz. When we were in the store weighing her, a lady with a 10 week old kid came up and said "A new little one". If most people said that to me, I'd agree, but it was odd coming from someone with a 10 week old kid. I had to say that she is just little since her baby at 10 week old weighed 15 lbs. Amelia's little nannyshare partner John is ~18lbs, so Amelia is going to need to be strong to hold her own against Stanley and John.

Amelia can also melt people's hearts--of course she melts her families hearts, but also people we do not know. Because she looks so small, but she can put on a huge smile, people don't expect the smile and just ooh and ahh over her. I went in for a doctors appointment to ask about her weight (and her endless spitting-up). The doctor said that we have a laundry problem now, but we are going to have a bigger problem with her lady with her big smile, her blue eyes, and red eye.

Amelia at 4 months old.

- Make lots of gargling sounds
- Laugh lots
- Hold onto toys for about 1 minute
-Get most almost any toy into her mouth
- Make people (Even strangers walking down the street melt).
-Sleep through the night for 4 of 5 nights. At least this was for her entire 3 month age. The day she turned 4 months old, she decided to start eating again at 3am)
- Hit things or pick up things from her gym or from the floor
- Roll 360 degrees over. (Usually to her right)
- Scoot on tummy time.
- Get her knees under her body

- Being in the Becco carrier facing in and out
- Watching the fan
- Nursing
- Mortimer the moose
- Sophie
- Her dangling thing gym
- Standing

- The car
- When she has a burp
- The Moby Wrap (this was Stanley's favorite)
- If she has to wait to get milk
- Did I mention the car...she is not at all bothered by crying for 45+ minutes. She doesn't mind the car seat because the moment you take her car seat out of the car, she is perfectly happy.

Storm day

Today was a storm day for all San Francisco schools. A huge rain storm came through. The night before we were told that Stanley's pre-school would be open, but please pick up your kids early. Steve nor I was sure what early meant? 3:30, 4:30, 5:00 (It normally closes at 5:45). When I arrived this morning there was 5 teachers and Stanley's friend JT. I picked him up early at 1pm and they had had a nice quiet day with a good teacher to child ratio. 5 teachers to 3 children.

Stanley definitely seemed to enjoy it. Here he is...definitely the only people in the parking lot.


Apparently sanely loves grapefruit. 


Amelia love books-reading and eating, though not sure that is how the chair is supposed to be used. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Brother and Sister

Stanley agreed to take some pictures with his sister tonight. The results were tether than expected. The both smiled at the same time! I have about 50 pictures on my phone from this session. Only about 3 or 4 are any good. Thank goodness for digital cameras...

Catching up on blogging

It has been months since we blogged. So, to catch back up, I'm just going to out a group of pictures together.
Stanley had his school pictures taken. We even got to include Amelia. 

Below Amelia and I are hanging out in the San Francisco fall. 

A bit blurry, but my mini-mouse and Thomas the train fans.

Postpone crawling

When Stanley was little, I always wanted him to crawl early. He crawled at 6months and 1 week while my parents, Geoff, and I were watching.

With Amelia I am hoping she does not crawl for a while. We have lots of Stanley's choking hazard toys that she can get too. But, I'm guessing she is not going to listen to my wish. Today at an appointment, she was in the car seat on the floor without the straps fastened. I turned around and she had flipped over and had her knees on the ground. (No picture of he his because is as so horrified) 

Here she is trying her best to move. I took the movie and then walked I away to start pasta cooking. The picture is when I came back. At first I thought she had done it by rolling over few times but most likely she was just scooting.