Monday, January 27, 2014

Hiking in Glen Park

This weekend, Steve had to go to work. Despite a terrible cold and croup(for Stanley) on Friday, Stanley and I ventured out for a hike. He liked the idea of the hike, but argued about having to go on the bike (all of 2 miles). After about 1 hour and a few walks around the neighborhood, we finally made it with the knowledge that there were "Choc raisins" (i.e. chocolate covered raisins) that could be enjoyed during the hike. 

You can see by the dirt on Stanley's face that he definitely enjoyed the chocolate covered rainsons. 

I must admit, that we did not make it very far. Stanley loves to walk and can easily walk a mile, but here he was more into throwing rocks and acorns, crossing bridges, walking/jumping off big logs, and playing in the 'black' water. Since CA is so dry this year, the black water was the extent of the water we found during our hike.


Stanley has started to take charge of what he wears. This all started with him wanting to choose his PJs a few months ago. I'm pretty flexible about what he wears, but I do feel a bit bad when he decides to wear something like below.  The stripe combos is quite interesting. Originally he had the blue and orange shirt paired with a bright red pair of overalls, but decided he would prefer these pants.
The picture also shows what Stanley is very interested in lately. He really enjoys learning the letters. He knows quite a few of them and a word that is associated with them. For example, he'll bring a D up to me and say "D, dinosaur". He particularly likes "S, Sta-ley" (i.e. Stanley) or "W, Wheeler". I thought it was quite cute when he brought a 4 up to me and said "A, apple". Hmm, they do both look quite similar.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stanley and Wheeler

Stanley and Wheeler are very funny together now.  They tromp around all day to the park and library, and Halima catches some very cute pictures of the two of them.

Here, they must be contemplating something very big and important, like how many things they can get into Stanley's pockets.

We'll try to post more of these pictures as we get them. 

Monday, January 13, 2014


We enjoyed a hike with Wheeler and family. It was a bit loose footing, so the boys enjoyed holding hands together.

Stanley also enjoyed cleaning up the path with his "stick feather". I think I need to start learning western plants.

Swing time

Stanley loves spending time with his friends lately. He still talks about David's birthday party from 2 weeks ago; last night, he wanted to buy a chicken and take it to Peter's house to have it with them, and he really enjoys spending time with Wheeler.

What fun photos from Halima these last few days...