Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We noticed that Stanley has become a lot more chatty lately.  He will just launch into a long diatribe about who knows what, babbling and blurbling.  It mostly happens after he has seen a lot of exciting things.  For instance, if we go to the park or playground where there are a lot of other small children around, he will spend the whole time completely silent just watching the other kids to see what they are up to.  Then, when we leave he will start chatting and chatting.  I guess he is telling us all about the stuff he just saw.  Too bad we don't speak the same language.  Maybe he's speaking Russian...

1 comment:

  1. Darling video, so which member of the family does he sound like? Yes, it just might be Russian, but i wish that he spoke French with a good accent. You two certainly have a marvelous little baby!
