Sunday, October 28, 2012


Stanley has figured out what is not allowed in our house and this weekend he has decided to push his limits. (Actually more then 'our house' I should probably call it 'Stanley's house'). There are not very many things that we  consider off limits to little hands, but the gas-stove knobs are one of them.

About 15 times Stanley tried to turn the knobs on the stove. He would do it and we would tell him  it is not allowed and divert his attention. He now clearly knows this is not allowed, but he continued to push his limits. I think today he finally figured out he should stay away from them. Instead he headed off to the laundry machine to test those. I'm fine with those, but I won't be surprised if we have a laundry cycle happen without any clothes to clean in it.

At least he may start learning to help Mommy with the laundry. 

Stanley also knows that we require feet first down the marble stairs. Yesterday, he would walk over to the stairs and stand as if to walk down the stairs like an adult. He would look back at us to see if we give him a reaction and then he would run back laughing as if to say, I'm just joking mom and dad.

Independent I'd say.

1 comment:

  1. Active kids are a handfull. I do recall my mentioning that in Sweden decades ago (even before Julia was a baby) that the law stipulated the safe placement for stove knobs----never in the front and never where you placed your arm over burners. All knobs were on the back and on the side. Those Swedes with safety of their citizens in mind are very thoughtful; a good example of how laws can protect citizens.
