Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Words

Stanley really knows what he wants lately, but just today and yesterday he has started to try to speak 'words'. We officially think his first word is 'apple'. He loves to chew on long slices of apple and when Steve offered him an apple slice tonight he took it and said "aapl". Close.

And, just this morning, Halima told us that he says "CooCoo" which is the way the Russian birds sing. In addition, Halima is very curious where he picked up the Russian word for 'love'. She thinks Stanley must have heard her saying it to her kids on the phone, but apparently Stanley now says любить. I definitely wouldn't have picked this out of just babble, but our little boys appears to be bilingual: one word in English, two words in Russian.


  1. Pretty smart...learning the important words!

  2. How exciting that Stanley's first words encompass a positive emotion, a healthy food and a sweet, outdoor sound.
