Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Discovery museum

Stanley and I went to the Discovery museum with David and Jenny. We had a great time. Earlier in the weekend, Stanley had wanted to see "fish" which means he wanted to go to the California Academy of Sciences. He knows now that the fish sleep on Saturday so that we can see them on Sunday when the museum is open to member's only and much quieter. 

Stanley was bit surprised when we ended up not at the California Academy of Sciences, but instead at a new musuem. However, he got his full of wonderful adventures and got to play with fish. 

Below Stanley and David dressed up as sea lions and went around sleeping in different caves.

For little kids, they have a section with lots of fake fish and frogs in water. Stanley just loved to have the fish swim in the water and sometime even in the plants. He also enjoyed having his fish fly like an airplane. Since Steve comes to visit on airplanes, Stanley is obsessed with anything that flies.

The boys also enjoyed playing lots of music at the museum. It was a fun event.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of seeing fish in different environments, why doesn't Stanley come to Rochester during the winter? He could go ice fishing-----saw through the ice, keep worms warm by tucking them in his cheeks, wear tons of clothing, and freeze almost to death while waiting for a bit. Now that's a new experience that he wouldn't have in San Francisco.
