Saturday, September 6, 2014

Amelia at 4 weeks

 Amelia has been a joy to have around. She really only cries when she is hungry or something is not quite right. The only trouble we have is that she cannot be flat or she projectile vomits all over the place.  We keep her propped up at an angle most of the time, and that seems to be helping things.  She is getting a lot better at keeping her food down.  The projectile vomiting happens less and less these days.  Sometimes, though, it sneaks its way back and surprises you.  This makes for fun times if we are not prepared with enough rags.
At four weeks Amelia can:

- Hold her head up for maybe 10 seconds at a time

- Sleep for 5 1/2 hours at a stretch (sometimes)

- Almost stand on her legs.  She is pushing a lot more with her legs and scooting a bit.

- Sleep in the baby carriers quite well

- Lay flat on her back for a couple minutes and not spit up milk everywhere

- Soil 3 outfits before we have even gotten dressed in the morning

- Coo every once in a while, she is just starting to do this

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