Saturday, May 19, 2012

8 months

Stanley turned 8 months old this past Thursday. This seems to be my favorite age so far, however, I have a feeling the next year worth of 'birthday' posts will all start with "Stanley turned ... old today and this is my favorite age." It is such a joy to play with Stanley and watch him grow and develop so quickly.

Since I posted his 7.5 month old post, he has become very steady on his feet and learned to enjoy eating. Gosh, I wish I could develop so much in just 2 small weeks.

Stanley has really taken to food quite well. He can finally swallow without a gag reflex. He likes to feed himself with his hands or his spoon, but just in the past few days, he has also let us put some food in his mouth with our finger. As you can see from the pictures, this is not a very clean affair.

Black beans
Avocado goatee

In general, he enjoys savory foods and is not very keen on sweet food. After Nurse Faye told us to talk with our doctor, we were told that a way to get rid of Stanley's gag reflex is to give him Cheerios. It worked well and now he particularly loves Cheerios! (well actually Joe's O's the Trader Joe's version). He also loves avocado and plain yogurt. Today, he ate about 2 handful of Cheerios in the morning. For lunch he had yogurt, Cheerios, cherries, and avocado and then for dinner we gave him some rice crispies to expand out from Cheerios. I'll list below the food that he likes/eats at 8 months. We still have trouble getting him to drink water, but we are trying. I'm sure it will take a few more days.

Stanley enjoys eating:
Cheerios, plain yogurt, black beans, squash, avocado,  cherries, carrots, rice crispies, Cheerios :-), nursing
He ate, but didn't particularly like:
Apple, pear, strawberries, green beans, rice cereal with mom's milk

The only 'food' that does not go smoothly is milk in a bottle. Halima still spoons milk down his throat at least a 1-2 times a day when he won't eat at all. He mostly just enjoys when I get home and he can nurse for as long as he wants.

Besides eating, Stanley is very adventurous and curious. He really enjoys exploring everything. For example, we have a soft floor so that he doesn't get hurt. He will spend time pulling up the pieces and eating them. When he is exploring like this, he often talks to himself. The conversation often involves a lot of GaGa, aaahhh or throat gurgles.

Stanley can sit quite well without falling over. Indeed as shown below, his posture is very good at this age.  He is also very capable of climbing the stairs, though going down is still beyond his ability. In addition, Stanley will pull up on everything possible and as the previous post showed, he can even try to walk a bit with his wooden cart. If he can, he still uses his mouth as a 5th appendage to pull his body up a bit more so that he can reach something just beyond his finger tips. It works surprisingly well. I have not yet tried the technique, but luckily for me, not much is beyond my reach. 

For the details of Stanley at 8 months
Stanley weighs in at 19 lbs.

Stanley loves:
- Cheerios
- Pull-up to standing
- Climbing the stairs (we always are with him)
- Exploring everything new
- Wanting what he cannot have
- Grabbing the computer
- Yogurt and avocado
- Eating paper and wood objects
- Watching other kids or babies
- Banging on things to make loud noise
- Talking
- Chewing on wood.

Stanley dislikes:
- Getting his diaper changed, which means that all of us dislike this requirement. He wriggles 10 times before we finally finish
- Sitting in the car seat or stroller when he wants to get down and crawl
- The bottle!!
-Sitting still anytime even during story time

Stanley can:
- Stand without holding on, but just lean his arm against something
- Stand holding onto something that moves
- Walk a bit while pushing his cart
- Crawl like a pro from one side of the house almost to the other
- Eat cheerios by using his fist and thumb. He hasn't yet figured out to use his forefinger and thumb.  (A more advanced skill)
- Get out of almost any hold down while changing his diaper
- Hang off the table or something for about 2 seconds

I'm looking forward to the next month.

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