Friday, May 18, 2012

Uncle Flounder

Uncle Flounder got to stay on reserver at our house (i.e. waiting to work, but never actually working) from Sunday through Wednesday. It was very helpful for all of us. Stanley really enjoyed spending some time with Flounder.

On Tuesday night before Flounder left, we all headed to the Giant's baseball game. I had won tickets for it. We bundled up in ski coats and pants and spent the evening watching the game. Stanley was mesmerized by the lights, noise, and people. He couldn't bare to smile at the camera he was so stunned/shocked/amazed. He lasted till about the 6th inning and then fell fast asleep and stayed asleep even though the train ride and walk home. Here are some photos of the adventure.
For sure it appears that Stanley is not a baseball fan at 8th months old.

Stanley is a bit overwhelmed with the lights and noise.

1 comment:

  1. Who likes baseball anyway? Stanley learned early that other sports are much more exciting. Try soccer or basketball if you want a happy kid.
