Friday, June 22, 2012

Doctor's all around

I still need to write Stanley's 9 month birthday post, but for now, we have a different post to write. 

Yesterday, we all got to visit doctors. Yup, the whole family!

Stanley's stats for his 9 month check up:
20 lbs exactly (~45%)
47 1/2 cm Head circumference
27 1/4" long (~25%)

Fair warning, this is basically complaining, so if you want to skip, feel free.

Now for a quick summary of our week and why we all got to visit a doctor yesterday:

Sunday evening: The whole family is tired and cranky and Stanley screaming.
Monday: Steve & Julia come down with a flu--Stanley is meraculously better
Tuesday: Steve & Julia still misearble with the flu--Stanley is fine.
Wednesady: Steve & Julia feel better and go to work.
Wednesday night: Julia ends up coughing all night and cannot sleep.
Thursday morning: Stanley gets checked out for his 9 month apptoiment and is told that he is ok, despite his cold/cough. But the pediatrician tells Julia to go to the doctor "today" because pneumonia is going around.
Thursday afternoon:
Steve gets a cough.
Julia and Steve see doctors where Julia is told that she has basically has pneumonia (Steve was cleared by his doctor, though he still has a rough cough.)
And just to put a little toping on the cake, the older daughter in our nannyshare comes down with hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
Friday: Julia/Steve home sick...again. Stanley home with us because of the hand-foot-and-mouth which means it is even harder for us sick ones to catch up on our sleep. 

Wow! Really? 


1 comment:

  1. :( That sounds miserable. Hope you all feel better soon.
