Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Snot sucker

Stanley is finally getting over a bad cold he had for a few weeks.

For a while, Stanley's nose just kept on dripping and dripping. He had a hard time eating and nursing and it was not very attractive to have his face filled with snot. The nurse on the phone told Steve about the NoseFrida Snotsucker.

It worked like a charm. As the nurse described, you basically suck the snot out of the kids nose with a straw type thing. She figured that any wonderful parent would do it without thinking, but don't worry it does have a filter.

It works much better than a bulb syringe (shown below) since we have much bigger lungs than that little blue thing.

If you feel inclined, take a look at the only other product Fridababy makes ( It is even worse than a snot sucker.

This company really has a market segment for disgusting baby products.

Anyways, our child never really has a runny nose because of the NoseFrida.


  1. yeah, you know it's bad when one of the instructions reads: "Never leave The Windi in the rectum of the child!"

    1. Those warnings are there for a reason... because someone thought it was a good idea and did it.

  2. we have the snot sucker too! I love it, people here rave about it!
