Thursday, June 7, 2012

No bottle

For the last month plus, Halima has been mentioning that Stanley will not take the bottle anymore. She spoon feeds him his milk and then give him some food during the day. (cheerios/yogurt/veggies etc)

Steve was at the doctor because of Stanley's cough and the doctor said for sure not to force feed him. Since he was not keen on being fed via a spoon, bottle, sippy cup, or really any cup,  we told Halima to only feed him when he is hungry. However, this is somewhat challenging. He is hungry, but still won't eat. For example, he never took the bottle/up the whole time that I was gone last week in San Diego.

It feels a bit like we have the choice to either starve our child during the day or force him to eat. Since neither of those seem like good choices, we are trying a new method which also seems pretty terrible: trickery/bribery. Stanley loves cheerios and bread. So at this point we take a spoonful of milk and then put a cheerio on top. He will open his mouth wide and attack that Cheerio and our hope is that he gets a little milk with the bite. We are also at the same time working on him drinking out of a small cup. At this point, it just ends up with water all over, but hopefully over the next few weeks, he will get the hang of it.

Our son is definitely not an eater and for sure he knows what he likes and doesn't like. He just wants to nurse. As a mother I'm quite touched, but being gone during the day makes for a pretty hungry kid.

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