Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stanley at 8 weeks

We were so busy hanging out this weekend that we never got to post about Stanley being 8 weeks old. He is a much bigger kid this week. Lately, people have been asking me if he is around 4 months old. He is growing up, but that seems way down the line. He is also harder to carry in the carriers for an entire day. Both Steve and I now have very SORE feet after a day or so walking the streets of SF.

Since I'm getting ready to go to bed, I'll just write a quick post for this week. Stanley's main new item his is strength in his back and neck. He looks like he is trying to flip onto his tummy when we put him on his play mat. He looks at the toys to the side and keeps trying to reach them--I think his flipping will be coming reasonably soon.

He is also a lot more talkative and smiley (when he chooses to smile).

It has been a really fun week to spend with him. I'm going to miss being with him everyday. Lately, I have difficulty leaving him even if it is just for a few minutes so that I can get some rest. I'm going to be a wreck going back to work for two days this week. Crazy!!

Our little family in Union Square

1 comment:

  1. You all look terrific..especially Stanley, but he changes so quickly. We are so looking forward to your visit for Thanksgiving!
