Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wow is 4 months

Things have been going very smoothly. The nanny is wonderful, Stanley is talking like a champ, he smiles tons. The wonderful part...

But, now for the honest not so fun part. If you don't want to hear me rant, then I'd recommend stop reading now.

I've heard that 4 months is the peak of fussiness. Oh boy for Stanley it really is. Every morning in the last while we have woken up at either 3 or 4 am with loud crying. I usually try to feed him and he doesn't want that, but then two minutes later all he wants is food. I was getting worried something was very wrong with him, but then if he sees or does something he will start cooing and smiling until he decides it is time to scream again.

And, these last 4 nights he has been up eating or crying at night on about the following schedule:
10pm, 12:30pm, 2 am, 3 or 3:30  am, 4 am (sometime 5 am) and for sure 6 am is when he wants to get up. Don't think about trying to snuggle with him to keep him quiet--he is moving like there is a marathon to run. At first I thought (hoped) he was being loud in his crib and would go back to sleep, but he let us know for sure he was not going back to sleep until he had something different. I like to think this is because he misses me during the days and wants to be with me (A nice thought as I'm stumbling around at 3 am getting him in and out of his crib)

After his last peak of fussiness around 2-3 weeks old, Steve and I have learned lots of tricks to make him happy and stop his crying. NONE of them are working right now. And, for sure the pacifier is out. He has taken it about twice this week and the rest of the time he gags to get it away.

Hopefully this phase too will pass. (quoting my grandfather)


  1. Oh jules! What a struggle! I wish I had advice for you. You are a champ you know that?

  2. The challenges always help us appreciate the accomplishments and rewards that lie ahead. Your patience, attitude and approach are to be commended. These are the times that make your parents proud of both of you and at the same time yearn to be there to support you. Love to all!

  3. thanks for this. it's good (and scary) to know what is to come for brenna and me...
